Ed Molitor, Sr. has 42 years of experience as an educator, coach and motivator. A firm believer that life and athletics is a “Frame of Mind Game”, Ed has presented to hundreds of coaches and student-athletes at clinics and sports camps throughout the Midwest. He also taught graduate classes to teachers and coaches on such topics as peak performance, leadership, team building, sports motivation and mental strength training. Inducted into the I.B.C.A. Hall Of Fame in 1997, Ed also serves on the All-State selection committee. A consummate motivator, he has developed a unique plan for athletes of all ages to reach their potential. When applied, his insights into motivation and thought management will certainly make a difference in a person’s life. He has helped a countless number of athletes learn to balance the stress of competition and the other areas of their lives. They are able to transfer what they have learned into a life of self-discipline, self-control, self-confidence and peak performance.
Coaching Resume:
- Head Basketball Coach Palatine High School, Palatine, Illinois 1976 - 2008
- Head Basketball Coach Marist High School, Chicago, Illinois 1969 - 1976
- Assistant Basketball Coach Marist High School, Chicago, Illinois 1968 - 1969
- Assistant Basketball Coach DePaul Academy, Chicago, Illinois 1966 - 1968
- Assistant Basketball Coach AA Illinois North All-Stars 1979 and 1992
- Head Basketball Coach AA Illinois North All-Stars 1993
- Assistant Coach for the Illinois Select AAU Team that defeated the Russian Junior National Team in 1988
- Served on the Basketball Advisory Board for the I.H.S.A. 1985 - 1988
- Serves on the I.B.C.A. All- State Board 1981-present
- Inducted into the Illinois Basketball Coaches Association Hall of Fame in 1997
- Conducted Basketball Camps throughout the Midwest 1973 – 2007
Teaching Resume:
- Physical Education, Palatine High School, Palatine Illinois 1976 – 2008
- Continuing Education Instructor for Pearson Professional Development, St. Xavier University, Chicago, Illinois 1990 - 2006
- Biology, Health and Physical Education, Marist High School, Chicago, Illinois, 1968 – 1976
- Biology, DePaul Academy, Chicago, Illinois 1966 -1968
- Member of the National Association of Basketball Coaches
- Member of the Illinois Basketball Coaches Association
What you’ll learn about in this episode:
- What were the defining moments in his life which influenced him to pivot away from a career as a doctor and become a teacher and a coach
- Why it is significant to understand the difference between ‘expectation of effort’ vs. ‘expectation of accomplishment’
- Why it is so important to never let what you can’t do get in the way of what you can do
- What his definition of success is, where it comes from, and how he has applied it to every area of his life
- How W. Clement Stone influenced his way of thinking and learning, especially his R2A2 formula
- How important it was to his success during his 42 years of coaching for his coaching philosophy to evolve while never compromising his core values
- What the difference is between negative and non-productive thinking
- What the difference is between a good leader and a great leader