After he opened his real estate law firm in the tough market of 2009, lawyer Mo Dadkhah thought it might be a good idea to earn his real estate license, too. One thing led to another, and now he runs both a law firm and a real estate brokerage. Dadkhah, broker-owner at Main Street Real Estate Group, works with all categories of buyers, from entry level to luxury. During the past year, on the legal side, his team worked on a very large condo deconversion. The sellers were happy with the outcome, a big accomplishment considering they came to Dadkhah’s team after they were unhappy with the previous company they worked with and had lost faith in the process. “We advocated on behalf of the sellers and were able to get them to a closing within 60 days, a feat in and of itself,” he says. A Chicago Association of Realtors Top Producer, Dadkhah has been featured on the cover of Top Agent Magazine, named a Power Player by CS magazine and included on the Inc. 5000 list of the fastest-growing companies in the U.S. Most of his clients describe him as compassionate and hardworking. “I understand everyone’s search is a little bit different,” he says. “I tailor my attention to exactly what they need and work all hours of the day to get them the results they need.” Always accessible, Dadkhah knows a client’s home search is not happening only during business hours. Being a lawyer affords Dadkhah the luxury of understanding the ins and outs of the process from both the real estate and legal sides. “I have always said that selling real estate is not rocket science,” he says. “Some agents will lead you to believe that you have to have some ‘it factor’ or some level of salesmanship. It really is about having a strong work ethic and the ability to stay consistent with your effort.”
What you’ll learn about in this episode:
- How and why as a young lawyer, Mo got into the real estate business in 2009...of all years
- How a failure with a bad business partner drove Mo to create Main Street Realty
- How Mo figured out that at Main Street they could do business better than most in the industry by doing good by the agents with coaching, training, and an incredible value proposition
- Why self-awareness is so significant and how you can leverage it to plug your weaknesses in the hiring process
- How Mo builds trust through leading by example, letting his people know that he cares about them, and coaching to their strengths
- How one of the keys to Mo’s growth is the willingness to be continually improving through relationships, books, and studying the best which includes the incredible guests he has on his podcast/netcast AE Wheelhouse
- How they drive a culture with an abundant mindset at Main Street which in turns empowers agents to help other agents
- Why it is so important to figure out “The One Thing” that drives the individual Mo is coaching and how he breaks their goals down in such a way that they can focus on “Winning the Week.”
- How focusing on time blocking has allowed Mo to be so successful in business, continue to serve his people, and pursue his passions of Jujitsu, auto racing, triathlons, and philanthropic endeavors
- Why the key to being great in anything you do is consistency
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