From Blow Pops to Forbes Best Small Companies, Rob started his first business in high school selling Blow Pops out of his locker. For the last 28 years, he’s served as President and Co-founder of imageOne, ranked as one of the Top 25 Small Businesses in America on the 2017 list of Forbes Small Giants. Throughout Rob’s entrepreneurial journey, he’s developed an unwavering passion for delivering the X - genuine care that consistently drives extraordinary energy, actions and experiences to every one, every day, every time. A unique approach to business that has driven the company to success in its industry, and as a top workplace. imageOne is simply the best at helping clients optimize and manage print, automate business processes, and secure documents and is well-known as an exceptional company, receiving local and national recognition for its multi-award-winning culture. Rob is an avid meditator of 15 years, the author of a best-selling book, donothing,™ The most rewarding leadership challenge you will ever take, and host of the donothing leadership retreat and the donothing podcast.
What you’ll learn about in this episode:
- How the team at imageOne collaborated to come up with a plan for managing the COVID-19 crisis and had the mindset that they had to be open to change because the situation was so fluid
- How they’re taking advantage of this unique situation by helping their people learn this new way of thinking, giving them the proper guidance and holding them accountable to what they need to accomplish in a series of short term sprints
- What they’re doing to inject a social element to remote working
- What was different when they reacquired the company and how they focused on making their good culture an unbelievable culture
- Why it is so important to find your rallying point, come together, and then communicate, communicate, communicate
- How Rob developed his mindfulness and meditation process which has led to his best-selling book, donothing: The most rewarding leadership challenge you will ever take, as well as the donothing Leadership Retreat and the donothing podcast.
Additional resources:
- https://www.imageoneway.com/
- Retreat: https://www.donothingbook.com/
- Podcast: https://www.donothingbook.com/podcast/
- donothing: The most rewarding leadership challenge you will ever take, by Rob Dube: https://www.donothingbook.com/book/
- Rob Dube
- Rob Dube
- Rob Dube